· blog · 1 min read

First Letter Tool

A wee tool that could be a small part of your memorization technique.

Here is my go at improving on the memorization tool from Productivity501’s article How to Memorize Verbatim Text. I pared down the page, and also I thought it should deal with apostrophes. And then I made it into a web page for you.

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As you can see, it’s got part of a famous speech ready to go, but just hit Clear All Fields and enter your own dialogue as you work on memorizing it.

To avoid confusion between uppercase I (eye) and lowercase l (ell), we use a serif font in the converted text.

Building this tool in React, and then figuring out how to use React in an Astro site, was part of my journey in providing this, but I built it for you, dear reader. Let me know if you find this useful in your memorizing!

A Note on Memorization
I don’t think this tool is the key to memorizing. There are many approaches out there. Use them all! It’s good to mix it up and use a variety of tools.

Also, it’s good to engage your body while you’re working on the memorization. Don’t just sit there.

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