· blog · 2 min read

2019 Bookmarklets for the SAG-AFTRA Health Plan Site

Sharing once again updated bookmarklets for the SAG-AFTRA Health Plan Benefits Manager:

  • Health 2019
    When I go the Earnings page, I tend to want to see my YTD earnings. This bookmarklet populates the date fields for January 1 to today, and activates the Find button.
  • Health 2018
    Out of morbid curiosity or for legitimate tax purposes, I often want to see last year's earnings. This bookmarklet populates the date fields for 2018 and activates the Find button.
  • Health 2017
    Same for the year before last year.
  • Health Rows
    This bookmarklet adds a column with the row number at the end of the table. This functionality breaks once you change any other settings, so just refresh the web page if it gets wonky.

If you’re using Safari on a desktop computer, simply install these underlined bookmarklets by dragging the links to your bookmarks bar, then clicking on them — but only after you are logged in to the new site and are looking at the Earnings History page. For other browsers, you’ll probably need to manually install them by creating a new bookmark and pasting in the raw JavaScript code that you access by right-clicking the bookmarklet and copying its code.

If things don’t work quite right after clicking a bookmarklet, just refresh the whole page and start over. I’ve used them many times. Let me know how they work for you!

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