· blog · 1 min read

One Plan to rule them all

noun_236742_ccI’ve been involved in a handful of 99-seat productions, and I almost got involved in a few others.

One was well suited for the new 50-Seat Showcase Code.

One was well suited for the new 99-Seat Agreement, or maybe even SPT.

One would fit well into the new Self-Produced Code.

One was produced by a membership company, who will continue to produce under the Membership Company Rule.

And then there were more than one that are the sort of thing that should be non-union theater. Those were my first L.A. experiences, and my worst experiences.

So in thinking back, I come up with an interesting cross-section of the L.A. small-theater scene. One takeaway: I’m glad they won’t all be lumped together under one Plan anymore!

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